Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Back to posting

Over the last 10 months I have not post anything.  That does not mean I have not been riding just have not had the desire to post.

Some of 2012 cycling highlights:

Many centuries with my wife.  She had her personal best for centuries ridden in one year plus she rode 150 miles at Metamora.

Tied for third place with friend Bill Ford at Balltown Classic in May.

Crew Chief for Paul Carpenter for RAAM in June.  Had to withdraw after 900 miles due to Paul's illness.  Connie and Bill were also part of the team.

6th place at Metamora 4X50 ride.  Just under 10 hours total time.  Cramped really bad the last lap and had to spend a lot of time off the bike.

First finisher of RAID (Ride Across Iowa in a Day) in September. 15:50 for 315 miles. 6 minutes off the bike due to a great support staff of Connie and Bill Ford.

Basically slacked off the rest of the year.
All for now